What will Pawan Kalyan do in the Ippatam issue now?
Pawan Kalyan: The sensational Ippatam controversy took an unexpected turn when the Andhra Pradesh High Court found the petitioners guilty of misleading the court and fined them Rs 1 lakh each. 14 homeowners were slapped with the fine. The High Court heard the petition today.
Earlier, the High Court is known to have issued a stay order for the demolition campaign in the village of Ippatam. As the petitioners told the court they did not receive any notice. But the petitioners told the court today that they received petitions. The High Court was not happy with this and ordered the petitioners to personally attend the next hearing.
Now all the focus has shifted to Janasena’s boss, Pawan Kalyan. Earlier, Pawan Kalyan stood in solidarity with the villagers and accused the government of attacking them for giving their land to Janasena for the party meeting.
To extend his support for the group, Pawan Kalyan made a hero entrance to the town of Ippatam on the roof of the car. After talking to the villagers, Pawan Kalyan announced in cash Rs 1 lakh to each of the families whose houses were demolished.
But now it turned out that the petitioners are to blame in the case and they were also fined. Now many are wondering how Pawan Kalyan would react and how he would handle the case now. He announced money to the families since their houses were illegally demolished according to the version of the villagers.
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