Pawan Kalyan, who opened his mouth about the KCR Rs.1,000 crore package offer

Pawan Kalyan: Janasena’s 10th Anniversary: ​​Pawan Kalyan of Janasena emotionally spoke on the occasion of Janasena’s 10th Avirbhava Sabha. A 10-year-old boy first remembers the rise of his political party. Pawan said that when he organized the party, there was only one person. So there was no one. Pawan Kalyan said that he is now the idol of six and a half lakh active activists and millions of fans.

Pawan Kalyan sensationally responded to accusations by a media leader that KCR had made him an offer of Rs 1000 crore. He revealed the sensational fact that he is not a person who sells himself for money… He is not obsessed with real money… He is a person who earns 2 crores a day.

Pawan Kalyan gave a strong counterattack saying that he had given call sheets for a movie for 22 days…so he was being paid at the rate of 2 crores a day…that rank is mine…he is not a person being sold for 1000 crores.

PawanKalyan clarified that if his range, his leverage. He gave a counterattack to his opponents who criticized him.

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