Pawan Kalyan to Visakhapatnam today

Pawan Kalyan to Visakhapatnam today: Politics has become juicy in Andhra Pradesh. There is a deadlock between the ruling YCP and the opposition Janasena. Until now, the fight was limited to a proxy war of words. Now there is a situation that will lead to a direct war in Visaka. Because today Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan is visiting Visakhapatnam. He will visit Uttarandhra for three days. He will try to draw the government’s attention to the problems of the people of the Uttarandhra districts. On behalf of the Janavani program, he himself will know the public problems. There has already been a great response to the Janavani, which has been organized in many places. It is expected that there will be a great response to the program in Visakha.

Mega Brother Nagababu is reviewing Pawan Kalyan’s tour arrangements to Uttarandhra. It has already reached Visakhapatnam. He came to Visakha as part of his brother’s tour arrangements. Local activists, mega fans, and heroic women gave her a warm welcome.

Pawan Kalyan to Visakhapatnam


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